Hi, I'm Sanjay 👋
MEng Computer Science @ University of Bristol and Full Stack Developer


As a seasoned Full-Stack Web Application Developer with over 3 years of experience and a passion for crafting robust digital solutions, I have devoted my career to achieving excellence in software development. I specialize in MERN/JAM stack technologies, delivering scalable applications across diverse sectors including healthcare, surveillance, energy, military, robotics, manufacturing, and social media marketing. I excel in leading projects from inception to successful deployment, optimizing performance through continuous integration and delivery practices.

My Projects

Check out my latest work

I've worked on a variety of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. Here are a few of my favorites.


BetterDiscordPanel is a discord bot panel that allows you to message and manage inside of your discord bot.


More Projects

Explore many more projects here.


Get in Touch

Want to chat? Just drop me an email at contact@sanjaysunil.com and I'll respond whenever I can.